The extent of the use of communication skills among faculty mem bers in the College of Physical Education in Faculty of Physical Education, Al-Zaytouna


  • Abdul Hamid Al-Hamali Mansour Department of Teaching, Faculty of Physical Education, Al-Zaytouna University, Libya


communication, communication skills, physical education


study aimed to identify the extent of the use of communication skills among faculty members at the Faculty of Physical Education, Al-Zaytouna University, and the impact of this on the production of academic courses and to find differences between them according to years of experience and academic qualification. The descriptive method was used using the survey method for its suitability and the nature of the research problem. The researcher targeted a research sample consisting of (44) A faculty member (88%) of the total research community. The study sample was selected by a simple random method, and a questionnaire application was prepared after reviewing the literature and studies related to the research topic. This helped in selecting many paragraphs about the process of administrative and educational communication in colleges. Physical education (Khaled Laykh, 2012), the degree of practice of educational communication for university faculty members (Khaled Al-Saud, Ibrahim Al-Khatib, 2020), and the preparation of a questionnaire that included five areas related to the communication skills of university faculty members. The study reached its most important results, which are: It relates to the ranking of the use of their communication skills, as the field (effectiveness of administrative and educational communication) came first with a weighted mean of (3.91) and a relative weight of (78%), according to the responses of the sample members and the hypothetical criterion adopted in the study, because it is one of the concepts and works to convey instructions and directions. Looking at and thinking about students, and obtaining (administrative and educational communication skills) came second, which is an important means of coordinating the efforts of the members of the college with the aim of developing their performance, and the field (obstacles to administrative and educational communication) came in fifth and last place according to the responses of the sample members and with a degree of (hesitant), and this result indicates Most of the college faculty members face obstacles in applying communication skills.


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How to Cite

Mansour ع. ا. ا. (2023). The extent of the use of communication skills among faculty mem bers in the College of Physical Education in Faculty of Physical Education, Al-Zaytouna. Journal of the Academic Forum, 8(1), 157–176. Retrieved from



Human Sciences
