The Prevalent Negative Behaviors Among Female Students at the College of Arts


  • Ayada Masoud Agob Department of Education and Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Islamic University of Asmarya, Libya


negative behaviors, female students , College of Art


         The research aims to identify the prevalent negative behaviors among female students at the College of Arts and to uncover the underlying reasons behind these behaviors. The researcher used the descriptive-analytical method due to its suitability for the nature of the problem. A questionnaire was designed to study the negative behaviors and their causes, which included ten prevalent behaviors among the students, each with its own reasons. After measuring the psychometric properties of the questionnaire, it was administered to a sample of 285 students, selected through stratified sampling. The results revealed the prevalent negative behaviors among the students, ranked in descending order as follows: loud voices and the use of inappropriate language, lack of participation in lectures, low motivation for academic achievement, weak sense of responsibility towards the college's general order, cheating in exams, wandering in the college corridors, damaging college property, failure among students, using mobile phones during lectures, and absenteeism from lectures. The reasons leading to these behaviors were discussed. Given these findings,  the researcher recommended developing effective strategies to address negative behaviors, including providing psychological and social support to students, enhancing positive communication between students and faculty members, and developing guidance and awareness programs.


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How to Cite

Agob ع. م. . (2024). The Prevalent Negative Behaviors Among Female Students at the College of Arts. Journal of the Academic Forum, 8(2), 887–863. Retrieved from