Vol. 2 No. 2 (2016)

					View Vol. 2 No. 2 (2016)
Published: 2016-12-31


  • Study of Vegetation Cover in Al-Bedan Protectorate South-East Ajdabiya, Libya

    Abdulhamid Khalifa Alzerbi, Abdulnasser S. Albreky, Mohamed A. Alaib
    A 1-14
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.59743/jmset.v2i2.103
  • Evaluation of the Shallow Groundwater Unconfined Aquifer of Some Groundwater Wells of Misurata Region for Drinking and Irrigation

    Jozef M. Alfji, Fathi A. Swaid
    A 15-33
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.59743/jmset.v2i2.104
  • Effect of Drainage Water Quality of Brack-Ashkeda Project on The Some Physiological Parameters of Some Crop Plants

    F.A. Abdurrhman , T. R. Al-Hadithi , A. M. Almathnani
    A 34-44
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.59743/jmset.v2i2.105
  • The Magnetic Susceptibility at The Transition Points Between The Ordered Phases of The Mixed Spin-2 and Spin-7/2 Ferrimagnetic System

    Fathi Omar Abubrig
    A 45-68
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.59743/jmset.v2i2.106
  • Study of Sexual Maturity Stages of Scomber japonicas in Tripoli Coast in Northwestern Libya

    Samira M. Sasi, Nagia M. Sasi, Aisha A. Alghafar Alghafar
    A 69-79
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.59743/jmset.v2i2.107
  • Evaluation of Groundwater in Terms of Corrosion and Sedimentation in The City of Tragan, Southern Libya

    Khadija A. Hamed, Nawasa A. Al-Salh, Alaarif M. Arabi
    A 80-89
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.59743/jmset.v2i2.108
  • Compare Between Three Types of Larval Food on Larvae of Ceretitis capitata (Wied)

    Nagia M. Sasi, Samira M. Sasi
    A 90-98
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.59743/jmset.v2i2.109
  • Mineralogy of The Beach Sands Along the Mediterranean Coast from Benghazi to Bin-Jawwad, NE Libya

    Osama R. Shaltami, Ahmed M. El-Kammar, I.H. Arafa, Fares F. Fares
    E 1-23
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.59743/jmset.v2i2.110