Study of The Nutritional Value of The Brine Shrimp Artemia Salina L., 1758 in Abu-Kammash Sebkha, Libya


  • Abdulhamed A. Elshbli Animal Production Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Elzentan University, Elzentan, Libya.
  • Magda S. Alwalid Center of Marine Biology Research, Tajoura, Tripoli, Libya.



Nutritional, Brine shrimp, Artemia salina L., Abu-Kammash, Sebkha


The results show fluctuations in the measurements of the diameters of encapsulated and capsulated cysts. The diameters of encapsulated cysts were higher in spring than in winter and vice versa for capsulated cysts. The thickness of alveolar layer was double in spring (12.39 µ) than in winter (6.78 µ). The percentage of hatching was nearly the same during the first 24 hours, but different during the 48 and 72 hours of the experimental time. The percentage and efficiency of hatching were higher in spring than in winter. The study of nutritional value for Artemia individuals indicated that the percentage of protein was higher than any of the other contents (organic and inorganic), and the protein percentage of larvae was higher than the cysts and mature individuals of Artemia. The lipid content of Artemia (cysts, larvae, and adults) was low. This problem can be avoided by using enrichment when Artemia used in aquaculture. The concentration of iron was higher than copper which indicates that respiratory pigment of Artemia is hemoglobin rather than hemocyanin; whereas the concentration of magnesium in adult Artemia was higher than in young stages with due to environmental media. 


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How to Cite

Elshbli, A. A., & Alwalid, M. S. (2018). Study of The Nutritional Value of The Brine Shrimp Artemia Salina L., 1758 in Abu-Kammash Sebkha, Libya . Journal of Marine Sciences and Environmental Technologies, 4(2), A 17–26.


