Salinization of Agricultural Soils as Development Issues in Wadi Al-Shatti Region


  • A.R. Mohamed Environmental Science Department, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Sebha University, Brack, Libya
  • A.M. Almathnani Environmental Science Department, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Sebha University, Brack, Libya
  • M.A. Elssaidi Environmental Science Department, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Sebha University, Brack, Libya



Salinity, Sustainability, Wadi Al-Shatti, Libya


This study aims to evaluate common soils in Wadi Al-Shatti area and to draw attention to salinity effects and soil salinization, the results showed high values of EC in the top soils (0-30 cm) compared to lower layers (30-60 cm) ranging between 1.08-144.67 dS.m-1. However, the EC value in the salty crust of the top (5 cm) was found to be 77.00-195.67 dS.m-1, due to the salty accumulation. The value of the relation (CO3 + HCO3/Cl +SO4) was <1 ، which means that the soils are in the severe sodium adsorption stage. The Sulphate/Chloride value gives < 1 which means that chloride salts are very dominant. This could indicate that Wadi Al-Shatti soils are under severe sodium adsorption stages at the crust (average salt accumulation 124.8 tones/hectare). That Chloride salts were very dominant in the region, could mean that those soils are in the last stages of salinization (84.4%) in most sites, 67.5% of them are Saline-Sodic soil. Temperature, evaporation, wind, relative humidity, irrigation water, and the water table were significantly responsible directly or indirectly for soil salinization in the area.


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How to Cite

Mohamed, A., Almathnani , A., & Elssaidi , M. (2017). Salinization of Agricultural Soils as Development Issues in Wadi Al-Shatti Region. Journal of Marine Sciences and Environmental Technologies, 3(1), A 14–34.


