The Role of Educational Supervision in Developing Professional Performance among Secondary School Teachers in Zliten


  • سالمة انصير ديهوم قسم التربية وعلم النفس، كلية الآداب، الجامعة الأسمرية الإسلامية، ليبيا



Educational Supervision methods, Teachers' professional performance, Secondary schools, Zliten


This research aims at investigating  the role of educational supervision methods in the development of the professional performance of teachers among the secondary schools in Zliten. Also, the article studies teachers' perceptions about the role of educational supervision methods in developing of their professional performance. Using the descriptive approach, the study found that  instructors' perception for  role of educational supervision methods in the development of the professional performance is high at all scale dimensions. In addition, the results refer that there is statistically significant differences between instructors' perception about role of educational supervision in the favor of males, for the scientific qualification in the favor of intermediate diploma, and years of experience. However, there is no statistically significant differences between the teachers' perception about the role of educational supervision related to scientific specialization variable.


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How to Cite

ديهوم س. ا. (2019). The Role of Educational Supervision in Developing Professional Performance among Secondary School Teachers in Zliten. Journal of Alasmarya University, 32(2), 175–147.