Some Environmental Impacts of Development in Wadi Al Shati Area, Southwest Libya
Environmental Impacts, Vegetation, Ground water, Saline soil, Wadi Shatii, LibyaAbstract
This study was conducted to evaluate the environmental impacts of development on the ecosystem in the Wadi Shatii region. The findings showed that the development programs lead to an increase in the population of the region, where the highest population growth rate (4.8%) was in 1984, resulting in a growth rate of (1.32%), which resulted in a great effect on environmental resources, such as water depletion and low diversity (0.85-0.97 according to Simpson's diversity scale) due to lack of rainfall. However, the results of this study also showed qualitative changes in groundwater compared to previous years but remained within the permissible limits, except for Fe which reached the highest concentration (2.9 mg /l) and exceeded the Libyan permissible limits (0.3 mg/l). The results showed that 64.80% of the soil is affected clearly with salts and the rest is salty, whereby 30.8 % was saline soils. Meanwhile, 34.00% was classified as sodic saline soil. The study recommends the necessary to assess the environmental impacts of future development projects
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