Ecological Studies on The Vegetation of Sand Bar of Lake Burollos Protectorate and Effect of Salinity on Some Developing Species


  • Adel D. El Werfalyi Department of Biology, Faculty of Arts and Science, Al-Mergheb University, Musallata City, Libya
  • Abtisam A. Doumah Department of Biology, Faculty of Arts and Science, Al-Mergheb University, Musallata City, Libya



Burollos Protectorate, Mediterranean coast, Salt marshes, Sand dunes


Plant communities of Lake Burollos sand bar were analyzed using 30 stands (each 5×5 m) representing the different habitats by multivariate analysis. Four vegetation groups were identified using TWINSPAN analysis. These groups represent the main habitats recognized in the sand bar; Group A represents stabilized sand dunes indicated by Pancratium maritimum L., and Cyperus capitatus Burm F.; Group B of sand flat and mobile dunes with Alhagi Gracorum Boiss, and Elymus Farctus Viv as indicator species; Group C represents the salt marsh habitat with the indicator species Arthrocnemum Macrostachyum Moric. K., and Juncus Rigidus Desf; Young fore-dunes are represented by group D and the indicator species Cakile Maritime Scop. These groups are separated mainly on the basis of soil salinity, and age of sand dune formations along CCA-axis 1 and 2, respectively. The first axis of CCA separates halophytic species from psammophytes along soil salinity, organic carbon, and calcium carbonates gradients. The behavior of each species against the environmental severity and its relative importance in sand bar stabilization is explained. Responses of seed germination to salinity were examined musing 12 species collected from salt marshes stable dunes and fore dunes along the sand bar of Lake Burollos. Six concentrations of salt were added to plants grown in pots supported by nonabsorbent foam growth rate and the percentage of living material was measured. Also, a SWOT analysis will give more information to identify the key internal and external factors that are important to the conservation of plants in the Lake Burollos Protectorate Area.


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How to Cite

El Werfalyi, A. D., & Doumah, A. A. (2016). Ecological Studies on The Vegetation of Sand Bar of Lake Burollos Protectorate and Effect of Salinity on Some Developing Species. Journal of Marine Sciences and Environmental Technologies, 2(1), E 11–26.


