The Reality of the Use of Educational Methods by the Imams of Mosques Through a field study in the wilaya of Oum El Bouaghi – Algeria


  • Cherif Merzoug Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Letters and Languages Oum El Bouaghi University



Algeria, Use of educational, methods, Imams of mosques, wilaya of Oum El Bouaghi


The aim of the study was to identify the educational methods used by imams of mosques in their rhetorical practices, and to identify their disadvantages in this, to contribute to the reform of the mosque discourse, which is a key pillar in the building of the desired society, and used to achieve that descriptive analytical approach, and the performance of observation and interview. The study community consisted of 37 imams, and the sample included 27 imams of different wires and ranks, representing 72.97%, and one of the most important results of the study is that the sermon,  giving example,  telling story, role model and dialogue are among the most important methods of education, guidance and influence, that the means applied by Imams today are not sufficient, that the Friday sermon is currently weakly influenced, that the Imamate is sacred and is a difficult task, and the imam must living the conditions of society, and that the material and social conditions and scientific level of the imam have an impact on the listeners, and the imam must use every means in its appropriate place, expand his orbit and benefit from successful experiences in his field.


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How to Cite

Merzoug, C. (2023). The Reality of the Use of Educational Methods by the Imams of Mosques Through a field study in the wilaya of Oum El Bouaghi – Algeria . Journal of Alasmarya University, 35(1).