The Parenting Manner and its Relationship to the Aggressive Behavior on the Primary School Students from the Point of View of School Teachers in Cillien, Al-Khums City, Libya


  • Fauzi Abdusalam Abdulghani Alfaqeh Department of Special Education, Faculty of Humanities, Alasmarya Islamic University, Zliten, Libya



aggressive behavior, parenting manner, teachers point of view


The  current qualitative study investigated the parenting manner and its relationship to the aggressive behavior.  It basically focused on the  primary school students from the point of view of school teachers in Cillien, Al-Khums city, Libya. It also aimed to identify the differences between the viewpoints of primary school teachers in parenting manner and its relationship to the aggressive behavior, depending on the gender variable. The results showed the existence of a statistically significant relationship at the negative level of (0.05) between parenting manner and its relationship to aggressive behavior. It also showed that there is a slightly high level of the aggressive behavior among the students, and there are highly significant differences of statistical average scores for females than males in the Parenting Manner Scale.  The same statistically significant differences score found for the males than females in the aggressive behavior scale.


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How to Cite

Alfaqeh, F. A. A. (2022). The Parenting Manner and its Relationship to the Aggressive Behavior on the Primary School Students from the Point of View of School Teachers in Cillien, Al-Khums City, Libya. Journal of Alasmarya University, 35(2), 216–194.