The Effect of the Effectiveness of a Religious Guidance Program to Reduce Mental Disorders and Modify Impulsive Behavior among Secondary School Students in Zliten


  • Fadila Mohammad Sofia Department of Special Education, Faculty of Humanities, Alasmarya Islamic University, Zliten, Libya



Psychological Disorders, Religious Guidance, Behavior, Secondary School Students


      The research aims to reveal the extent of the effectiveness of religious guidance in settling the soul and relieving it of its disturbances and negativity. This leads to moderation and straightness of behavior as its reality is characterized by fluctuations and crises that are almost on a daily basis. Rather, this may happen in every moment that the soul lives and faces the coherence of these phenomena. This may lead to raising the level of tension and psychological stresses that result in an imbalance in the level of self-control of the behavior, which develops into altered pattern that differ from the normal psychological balance and undesirable. Therefore, the research is directed to addressing these negatives through secondary school students (research sample) the active segment in society and has the great impact in moving the society from one phase to a better one. The researcher, therefore, adopted the experimental method and organized an experimental program that was applied to the sample with (40) items in the form of indicative lectures and with the data collection tool a scale consisting of (58) phrases distributed to achieve the objectives of the research. This was applied by pre and post application. The data were treated using in the statistical program (SPSS). The research showed positive results by answering the main question and verifying the research objectives at a statistical indicative level estimated at (p<0.005) in favor and consisted with the experimental group.


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How to Cite

Sofia, F. M. (2022). The Effect of the Effectiveness of a Religious Guidance Program to Reduce Mental Disorders and Modify Impulsive Behavior among Secondary School Students in Zliten. Journal of Alasmarya University, 35(2), 164–145.