The Dramatic Structure in the Texts of the Prophet’s Sunnah

An Analytical Study


  • Abdallah Mahmiud Adway American International Theism University – AITU



Drama, Sunnah, simulation, Dramatic Structure


The study aims to understand the dramatic dimensions in the texts of the hadiths in the light of the dramatic Structure, also, aims to discuss and analyze the texts that included the use of drama to understand how to benefit from simulation in achieving the goals of the prophetic text. For this purpose, the study used the descriptive-analytical method and content analysis to analyze the content of the texts of several prophetic hadiths. The study concluded that the Sunnah included dramatic stories that represent and simulate topics through the characters, for example, Gabriel played an acting role simulating a man asking the Prophet, and Satan simulating a man who needs charity, in addition to other examples that have been studied and analyzed. Drama and simulation in the Prophetic Sunnah were in two forms, the first was positive, to achieve an educational dimension, the second was negative, the characters used drama to escape the truth, as is the case with Satan. The frequent use of simulation by the angels, by order of God, indicates the importance of the dramatic method of communicating with humankind. The prophetic texts also included a dramatic structure in which the elements of the plot, conflicts, dialogue, characters, and others.


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How to Cite

Adway, A. M. (2022). The Dramatic Structure in the Texts of the Prophet’s Sunnah: An Analytical Study. Journal of Alasmarya University, 35(2), 144–130.