The Poetic Features of "Albarzanjih" praises of prose


  • Adel Omar Karim Department of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies, Faculty of Arts, Alasmariya Islamic University



poetic features of praises, prose praises, Barzanji praises


The research aimed to highlight the value of Sufi prose and the aesthetics of its style. The descriptive analytical approach was adopted to achieve the research objectives. One of its most important results is that Sufi prose has a set of distinct literary manifestations in which it expresses the amount of love for the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, where most of them crystallized in the studied text, leaving no room for anyone to look at other than that study to understand its manifestations. The results also revealed Al-Barzanji’s possession of the linguistic and artistic tools that established his old roots in the art of poetry and prose. Additionally, the findings showed the independence of the Sufi linguistic lexicon with a specific category of vocabulary that expresses the deductions of Sufi texts in various philosophical ways and the uniqueness of Sufi prose literature with some semantic fields. However, they differ radically in highlighting the connotations. It was also found that Sufis employ symbols and external references more than other writers in prose literature.


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How to Cite

Karim, A. O. (2022). The Poetic Features of "Albarzanjih" praises of prose. Journal of Alasmarya University, 35(4), 462–453.