Hope and Optimism as an Entry for Enhancing Psychological Resistance among a Sample of Autistic Children's Mothers in Zliten


  • Laila Mohammed Aref Department of Education and Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Alasmarya Islamic University, Zliten, Libya




hope, optimism, enhancing of psychological resistance, autistic children's mothers, Zliten


The search aims to examine whether there is a correlation relationship
between optimism, hope, and psychological resistance to autistic
children's mothers. Also, the study investigates whether there are no
statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the
sample members. The descriptive approach was used through the
three study scales (optimism, hope, and psychological resistance)
according to the mother's age and duration of the illness variables.
Purposive sampling consists of 20 mothers whose children are
suffering from autistic and studying at Al Salam School in Zliten
elected to participate in this study. The findings revealed that Despite
mothers do not feel there is hopefulness for their children’s recovery
or improvement of their health, they have a level of optimism that
enhances their psychological resistance. Besides, the study concluded
that there are no statistically significant differences between the
grades of the sample members according to the variables of the age
of the mother, and the duration of the disease on the three study


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How to Cite

Aref, L. M. (2020). Hope and Optimism as an Entry for Enhancing Psychological Resistance among a Sample of Autistic Children’s Mothers in Zliten. Journal of Alasmarya University, 33(2), 486–474. https://doi.org/10.59743/jau.v33i2.1318