he Geography of The Arab Islamic State and Its Role in Translating and Preserving The Human Heritage


  • Abdul Salam Muhammad AlHashani Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts, Alasmarya Islamic University, Zliten, Libya




Geography of the Islamic Arab state, Translating and preserving human heritage


This research aims to highlight the important role that the geography of sprawling Arab Islamic state played in investing its cultural potentials and preserving its knowledge heritage through the Arabic translation movement. Also, the article aims at illustrating the capacity of the Arabic language for understanding and conveying concepts and terminologies from and to other languages. Descriptive and historical analytical approaches were used to achieve the research goals. The findings revealed that the geography of the Islamic Arab state contributed in the diversity of cultures and sciences among its peoples. In addition, the geography of the Islamic Arab state established a thriving civilization during the Middle Ages through of intercultural contact and interactions -especially, in Abbasid state era. Furthermore, this geography achieved an unprecedented success in establishing distinct historic movement for translating and preserving the human heritage with high accuracy and integrity until the modern era.


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How to Cite

AlHashani, A. S. M. (2020). he Geography of The Arab Islamic State and Its Role in Translating and Preserving The Human Heritage. Journal of Alasmarya University, 33(1), 260–240. https://doi.org/10.59743/jau.v33i1.1205