Study of The Spatio-Temporal Relationship Between VIIRS and LiDAR Satellites Imagery of Sulfur Dioxide Emissions from Mergeb Cement Plant in Khums City, Libya


  • Dawi Muftah Ageel Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, Elmergib University, Khums, Libya.



VIIRS, LiDAR, SO2 emissions, Mergeb, Libya


Mergeb Cement Factory is a negative environmental phenomenon due to gas emissions, including sulfur oxides emissions. In this study, the visible infrared imaging group (VIIRS) and LiDAR satellite data were used to determine the similarity in spatial and temporal distribution and intensity of sulfur dioxide emissions. The similarity of the sulfur dioxide emissions distribution during the study period from 2010 to 2017 was shown to analyze the sulfur dioxide emissions in Mergeb factory in Khums, Libya. The results proved that VIIRS and LiDAR observations accurately show the spatial variability in the emission center which was also characterized by heterogeneity in the areas surrounding the plant at concentrations of 0.2 to 1.3 Tons per year according to LiDAR sensor observations and compared with VIIRS sensor concentrations were 0.1 to 1.9 Tons per year. The comparison of VIIRS techniques with LiDAR probes showed a strong positive correlation between the sensors in calculating the values of these emissions.


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How to Cite

Ageel, D. M. (2019). Study of The Spatio-Temporal Relationship Between VIIRS and LiDAR Satellites Imagery of Sulfur Dioxide Emissions from Mergeb Cement Plant in Khums City, Libya . Journal of Marine Sciences and Environmental Technologies, 5(2), E 18–31.


