Assessment of The Vegetation Role in Soil Resistance to Water Erosion at Al-Jabal Alkhdar Region, Libya
Plant vegetation, Al-Jabal Alkhdar region, Soil conservationAbstract
This study investigated the change in land cover patterns and their impact on erosion-related soil degradation on the sloping lands of the south of Al-Jabal Alkhdar in Libya. A scientifically recognized method proposed by Wischmeier and Smith was applied to estimate the extent of erodibility, summarized in a nomogram (multi-curved graph), and represented in five erodibility-related soil properties. In this study, the percentage of plant cover and plant health status were assessed and compared against the soil erodibility index (K). The maps of plant cover and slope classification were also used to prepare a map of soil erosion risk assessment. The study found that plant vitality has a very significant correlation coefficient with soil erodibility, reaching about 0.83, the percentage of plant coverage and the percentage of soil organic matter have a good correlation with soil erodibility by about 0.69, while the final infiltration rate achieved a correlation rate of 0.68. Soil erodibility was also correlated with the soil texture indicators (percentage of sand >0.1 mm, and silt and very fine sand). Accordingly, the vegetation cover has an important role in the soil resistance to erosion and rainfall erosivity under the semi-arid conditions of the study area. Despite the continuous deterioration and decrease of the vegetation cover, it remains a key to understanding the deterioration of soil characteristics. Therefore, maintaining plant cover will be always the best management strategy for soil conservation from erosion. Nevertheless, there is an increasing need for the expansion of research and studies on degraded semi-arid slopes, so that, the interaction between climate, soil, slope, and vegetation factors and their influence on soil susceptibility to erosion can be well understood.
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