Study of Some Environmental Variables and Their Relationship to Productivity in Lake Qabroun, Southwestern Libya
Productivity, Dissolved oxygen, Transparency scale, Qabroun, Southwestern LibyaAbstract
This study was conducted in Lake Qabroun, which is located at the longitude of 13.33o East, and width of 26.18o North. This study aims at studying some environmental variables or physical factors and their relationship to productivity lake. The study has demonstrated the existence of a positive relationship between productivity with dissolved oxygen. This is evident in the results where the highest results ranged from the dissolved oxygen average O2. According to the regions and the levels of study on the western side at the surface level in early summer, and the lowest on the southern side with the level of depth. The study also recorded the highest average productivity levels according to regions and levels in early summer on the western side at the surface level and the lowest in late spring on the eastern side at the bottom level. The study also showed that Lake Qabroun is one of the deserts lakes with high productivity, as it recorded the highest level of productivity (32,266.66 mg of carbon/ in the spring season at the surface level of the western side. The maximum depth of the lake ranged to 7.10 m in the center of the lake.
أولاً: المراجع باللغة العربية
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