Fluorosis and Groundwater: A Preliminary Environmental and Health Geology Investigation in the Northwestern Region of Libya
Fluoride, Fluorosis, Groundwater, Health Geology, Environmental EpidemicsAbstract
Libya is one of the North African countries situated in a high-groundwater fluoride province where fluoride concentrations in water exceed the permissible limit (1.5 ml/l). Consuming such type of water has been linked to the development of fluorosis in the country. The northwestern region of Libya is a typical example. The local community in this region depends heavily on groundwater, extracted from sedimentary aquifers of the Jefarah Plain Basin, as the main water supply for all applications. Placed on a geoenvironmental-health perspective, the present study explores the factors and conditions that play a key role in increasing fluoride concentrations in groundwater and, hence, the development of fluorosis in this part of Libyan geography. In doing so, the designed methodology relies on the historical data pertaining to this phenomenon as well as world cases of similar conditions to the study area. In addition, a questionnaire survey was conducted in the study area to support data analysis and information synthesis, accompanied by a descriptive approach to cast all information into one pool that serves the interpretation process. The analysis results showed that two types of influences have prominently contributed to the development of fluorosis in the study area. The first one is related to natural factors, such as local geology, prevailing arid climatic conditions, naturally fluoridated groundwater, flat landscape topography, and aquifer's proximity to seawater (i.e., coastal basin). The second type is related to human factors, such as unsustainable exploitation of natural resources, deteriorative actions on the environment, unsound societal habits towards water resources, and overall poor health education. The study suggests the importance of determining the actual background values of fluoride in the study area as a priority information for environmental risk assessment and public health studies.
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