Psychosocial Security of Children in Conditions of Instability: An Analytical and Prospective Study


  • Muftah Mohamed Abdulrahman AlShukri Department of Psychology, College of Education, AlMurqab University
  • Sakina Mohamed Sulaiman Hamouda


Psychosocial Security, Conditions of Instability, Children


The aim of this research is to study and analyze the impact of the current conditions and accumulated problems experienced by some societies today. The acute crises have profound effects on the future life and psychological security of children. The research adopts the analytical prospective approach, which involves gathering facts and information from previous studies and scientific theories, utilizing them to derive solutions to the researched problem. One of the key findings of the research is that the effects of crises significantly manifest in children through their families, which may be helpless and unable to meet their needs. Psychological theories emphasize that such experiences lead to an increase in the prevalence of various problems, notably behavioral deviations and psychological disorders.The research also identifies blatant violations in the health, psychological, and social aspects affecting children in some Arab countries plagued by conflicts. Among the crucial conclusions and recommendations reached is the necessity to focus, in times of instability, on ensuring the child's adaptability and integration by implementing appropriate plans for their prevention from factors predisposing them to deviance. It is crucial to curtail circumstances that may create opportunities for the exacerbation of the effects of these conflicts.


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How to Cite

AlShukri, M. M. A., & Hamouda, S. M. S. H. (2024). Psychosocial Security of Children in Conditions of Instability: An Analytical and Prospective Study. مجلة العلوم التربوية, 5(1), 126–143. Retrieved from