The relationship between the emotional intelligence and hardness psychology of the students of the college of science in Zliten


  • Najah Rajab Alawaj Educational and Psychological Department, College of Arts , Alasmarya Islamic University



emotional intelligence, hardness psychology, the students of science college of Zliten


The target of this research is to recognize the natwre of the relationship between the emotional intelligence and the hardness psychology of the students of suence college of Zliten . The descriptive curriculum is used to achieve the research purposes , also the questionnaire is used to collect data . The standard of the emotional intelligence which was prepared by Bar-Own and was translated by Safa Alasar (2000) are used in addition to the standard of the hardness psychology which was prepared by Gaber Mohamed (2011) . The research was applied on a sample consisting of (100) male and female students . After the staticial treatment by asing (Spss) programme , it has been concluded that the level of the emotional intelligence of the sample is statically positive at 1% level and the grade of response overtaked the level by 63% . The level of hardness psychology of the research sample is statically positive at 1% level and the grade response overtaked the level by 80% . Furthermore , there is a positive relationship whose strength reached 30% between the emotional intelligence and the hardness psychology at 5% level . In addition , there are no staticial differences relating to the gender between the emotional intelligence and the hardness psychology of the students of the scince college of Zliten.


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How to Cite

Alawaj, N. R. (2021). The relationship between the emotional intelligence and hardness psychology of the students of the college of science in Zliten. Journal of Alasmarya University, 34(1), 401–383.