The effect of a mother going out to work On the socialization of her children

A field study on a sample of working mothers at Zliten Medical Center


  • Almakki Mohammed Alghafoud Department of Social Work, College of Education, Asmarya Islamic University



working mother, work, socialization, children


The aim of the research is to identify the impact of the mother going out to work on the social upbringing of her children, and what are the reasons that prompted the mother to go out to work, and also to identify the difficulties that the working mother faces in raising her children, as well as to identify the methods followed by the working mother to reconcile work and caring for her children, and to achieve For these objectives, the descriptive approach was used for its relevance to the nature of the research. The research sample included 25 female workers from Zliten Medical Center, who were chosen by the simple random method. The questionnaire was used as adata collection tool. Among the most important results of the research: that one of the most important reasons for the mother’s departure to work is the desire to secure a decent level of education for the children, and the feeling of nervous tension as a result of the dual roles played by the working mother is one of the greatest difficulties that the working mother faces in raising her children, and that birth control is one of the most important The methods followed by the working mother to reconcile work and caring for the children, and the opinions of working mothers do not differ about the impact of the mother going out to work on the social upbringing of her children according to the different daily working hours per week and the number of children.


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How to Cite

Alghafoud, A. M. (2022). The effect of a mother going out to work On the socialization of her children : A field study on a sample of working mothers at Zliten Medical Center. Journal of Alasmarya University, 35(4), 394–377.