Psychological hardness and its relationship to the stresses of life among working women


  • Zainab mohammed alkweiz Department of Education and Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Asmarya Islamic University – Libya



psychological hardness, life pressures, working women


The study aims to identify the level of psychological hardness and the level of life stress of married working women at the Faculty of Arts. It also aims to uncover the differences in the level of psychological hardness and differences in the level of life pressures according to the variables of academic qualification, years of experience. To achieve these objectives, the descriptive analytical method was adopted. The questionnaire tool was used and the research community consisted of (60) faculty members and the sample was chosen by the intentional way as it included the entire community due to its small size. The most important results revealed that the level of psychological hardness among faculty members in the Faculty of Arts was high, while the level of life stress for them was low, and that there were no statistically significant differences in the level of psychological hardness according to the variables of academic qualifications and years of experience, and there were no significant statistic differences on the level of life stress according to the variables of educational qualification, years of experience. In light of the previous results, the researcher recommended increasing the confidence of working women with their selves and support them by opening psychological support centers to face the difficulties and problems that they may encounter in their career.


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How to Cite

alkweiz, Z. mohammed. (2022). Psychological hardness and its relationship to the stresses of life among working women . Journal of Alasmarya University, 35(4), 376–360.