Gratitude and its Relationship to Life Satisfaction among Adolescents in Zliten


  • حواء إبراهيم أحمد ابليش كلية العلوم الإنسانية، الجامعة الأسمرية الإسلامية، زليتن، ليبيا



Gratitude, Life satisfaction, Adolescent, Zliten


The study aims to identify gratitude and its relationship to life satisfaction in a sample of adolescents in Zliten, as well as to identify the differences between adolescents in the level of gratitude and life satisfaction according to the sex variable. The Descriptive approach was utilized to find that there is a statistically significant positive relationship at α (0.01) between gratitude and life satisfaction. Also, the study revealed that there is statistically significant differences between the average scores for both males and females in the dimensions of gratitude scale and the overall score of gratitude in favor of females. Whereas there is a statistically significant differences between the average scores for both males and females in the dimensions of life satisfaction scale and overall score of satisfaction in the favor of males.


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How to Cite

ابليش ح. إ. أ. (2019). Gratitude and its Relationship to Life Satisfaction among Adolescents in Zliten. Journal of Alasmarya University, 32(2), 196–176.