Impact of acute stress on macrophage and NK cells in vaccinated Wistar albino rats with recombinant hepatitis-B vaccine


  • Ashur Lmrabet Public Health department, Faculty of Medical Technology Msallata, Almergib University
  • Winarto Reki Faculty of medicine, Diponegoro University
  • Edi Dharmana Faculty of medicine, Diponegoro University
  • Dwi Pudjonarko Faculty of medicine, Diponegoro University



Natural Killer cells, Macrophage Phagocytosis Index, Acute-stress


Background: Hepatitis B virus infection is a global concern health problem. Vaccination with Hepatitis B vaccine is the most efficient way to prevent the infection. Acute Stress may act as an effective adjuvant to increase the immune response to hepatitis B vaccine.

Objectives: To measure the impact of acute-stress on the immune response to hepatitis B vaccinated rats.

Methods: Pretest-Posttest control group design was conducted using animal models (24 Wistar Albino male rats). These were allocated into 4 vaccine groups: one period of acute-stress (X1), two periods of acute-stress (X2) and two groups control (C1, C2). Subsequent the adaption period, rats were given the hepatitis B vaccine.

Results: Data showed that two periods of acute-stress combined with two doses of vaccine led to an increase of macrophage number (%) and macrophage phagocytosis index (%). The macrophage number was (0.51 ± 0.038 in C2 and (0.90 ± 0.025) in X2, (p = 0.001). The macrophage phagocytosis index was (3.42 (3.21 – 3.90) in C2 and (5.75 (5.57 – 6.81) in X2, (p = 0.004). While, NK cells in vaccinated rats showed no response to acute stress.

Conclusion: Acute-stress acts as vaccine adjuvant and has postive effects, particularly on macrophage cells.


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How to Cite

Lmrabet, A., Reki, W., Dharmana, E., & Pudjonarko, D. (2019). Impact of acute stress on macrophage and NK cells in vaccinated Wistar albino rats with recombinant hepatitis-B vaccine. Journal of Alasmarya University, 4(2), 10–28.