Assessment of The Current Situation of Fish Farming in Ras Al-Hilal Area, Libya


  • Ali E.M. Alzarqah Department of Biology, Faculty of Education, Sirte University, Sirte, Libya.
  • Hana A. Juma Department of Biology, Faculty of Education, Sirte University, Sirte, Libya.



Fish Farms, Fishes, Handicaps, Ras Hilal


Fish is a food source rich in many basic elements such as animal protein, fats, vitamins, and mineral salts, as well as its easy digestion and high utilization rate, hence this study, which aims to assess the current situation of fish farming in fish farms in Ras Al-Hilal area, this area was chosen to conduct this study because the only area in the east coast the two researchers used the personal interview tool as a means of collecting data from the study sample, consisting of interested persons and specialists in the marine wealth sector in the study area. The study reached a set of results, the most important of which were the high costs of establishing a fish farm, and the lack of material resources available to farmers. the study reached a set of recommendations, the most important of which was the need to strengthen the role of specialized associations in the field of fish farming and to facilitate the formation of associations, federations, or links to fish farm holders.


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How to Cite

Alzarqah, A. E., & Juma, H. A. (2021). Assessment of The Current Situation of Fish Farming in Ras Al-Hilal Area, Libya. Journal of Marine Sciences and Environmental Technologies, 7(1), A 1–12.


