Study of the Effect of Untreated Sewage Discharge on the Characteristics of Seashore Water and Sediment in Zliten City, Western Libya
Wastewater, Chemical and physical properties, Seashore sediments, ZlitenAbstract
The study aimed to analyze a set of water and sediment samples from the beach of the city of Zliten in the area located near the untreated sewage discharge outlet, as well as water samples from distant distances inside the sea and compare them with the results of previous studies in order to know the level of pollution of seawater and sediments in the study area. 10 surface water samples and 17 sedimentary soil samples were collected. Electrical conductivity (EC), pH values, and total dissolved salts (TDS) level of seawater samples were measured. The grain size of sea sediment samples was also determined. Measuring the concentrations of heavy elements in both of them, which are copper, lead, zinc, and cadmium. The results of the study showed that the total dissolved salts ranged between 35.1 and 37.8 g/L in the seawater understudy near the sewage drainage outlet of the seawater. Gradually the farther from the wastewater dumping sites, the electrical conductivity values increased with the increase of the total dissolved salts. The results of the study of the sediments of the beach understudy also showed the gradation of its sand between fine sand and medium sand, where the classification ranges between well-sorted and very good, and the symmetry of the size distribution of beach sediments ranges between negative and positive ridges, which is mostly identical. In general, beach sand in the study area is exposed to different levels of energy, and the concentrations of heavy metals in the beach sediments are polluted with cadmium, copper, lead, and zinc; Its highest values are west of the fishing marina at the meeting of sewage water with seawater, where there is less energy for seawater and relatively fine sediments.
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