Presence of Iron and Sulfur Bacteria in Sebha Drinking Water
Ground water, Iron Bacteria, Sulfur Bacteria, Sebha, LibyaAbstract
This paper aimed to detect iron and sulfur bacteria in the waters of some wells in Sebha city, the samples were collected from the following wells Bilal Mosque, Boumesud Mosque, Mansheya 1, Mansheya 2, and Algorda circular road, samples were collected in sterile bottles of 200 ml/l, then brought to the laboratory. They have been vaccinated environments SRB, IRB BART™ at a rate of 15 ml/l, then placed in custody for 24 hrs at a temperature of 25 oC. Results were based on different incubation periods. The obtained results have identified some species of bacteria related to iron type, i.e., Serratia, Citrobacter, and Klebsiella. As for the sulfur bacteria were obtained on the type of reducing sulfur, i.e., Desulfovibrio.
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