Survey of Internal Protozoa Parasites of Marine Fish Siganus Rivulatus at The Red Sea State, Sudan


  • Samia Hamid Ahmed Department of Marine Biology and Fishes Culture, Faculty of Marine Resources, Alasmarya Islamic University, Zliten, Libya
  • Mujtaba Elkhair Shuaib Fishery Research Center, Khartoum, Sudan
  • Munzir Mohmmed Al Ammein Department of Fishery, College of Technology and Science of Animal Production, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Khartoum, Sudan
  • Mohamed Abd Alla Yousuf Department of Fishery, College of Technology and Science of Animal Production, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Khartoum, Sudan
  • Ahmed Siddig Abd Alla Department of Fishery, College of Technology and Science of Animal Production, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Khartoum, Sudan



Internal protozoa, Siganus rivulatus, Red Sea, Sudan


A total of 50 specimens of marine fish Siganus rivulatus were investigated for internal protozoa. The fish samples were collected from two positions: EL-Sigalaa and Dungunab Bay. The samples were taken from blood (from tail area) and also from the liver, kidney, and gonad. The study revealed Haemogregarina sp. from blood, Myxobolus sp. and Henneguya sp. recovered from Liver, kidney, and gonad. Also, the study revealed Cryptobia sp. from the Liver of Siganus rivulatus. The parasite prevalence in EL-Sigalaa is 56% while that for Dungunab Bay is 38%. Also, the density of the parasite is higher in EL-Sigalaa than that in Dungunab Bay. The Gonads had higher density (78%) in both locations and most of the parasite identified is Myxobolus sp..


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How to Cite

Ahmed, S. H., Shuaib, M. E., Al Ammein, M. M., Yousuf, M. . A. A., & Abd Alla, A. S. (2016). Survey of Internal Protozoa Parasites of Marine Fish Siganus Rivulatus at The Red Sea State, Sudan. Journal of Marine Sciences and Environmental Technologies, 2(1), E 47–53.


