Environmental and Health Problems Associated with Oil and Gas Production in the Oil Crescent and Southeastern regions Libya.


  • Saleh Emhanna Petroleum Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ajdabiya University, Ajdabiya, Libya.
  • Salem Elsakran Petroleum Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ajdabiya University, Ajdabiya, Libya.
  • Ali Attia Faculty of Economic and Political Sciences, Ajdabiya University, Ajdabiya, Libya.




Pollution, Oil and gas, Environmental impacts, Health problems


The study focused on reviewing and analyzing the environmental and health problems associated with oil and gas production in the oil Crescent and southeastern regions of Libya, by using the descriptive analytical approach. The results of the study showed that the most important sources of pollution were associated with water, emitted gases, remnants of drilling fluids, and solid waste. In addition, leaks and attacks on oil and gas tanks and transmission lines were among the pollutants in the region. These pollutants are considered one of the most serious threats to the environment and health if safety regulations are not observed. Crude oil contains toxic substances such as sulfur, lead, and others these substances pose a great danger to the environment in the areas of production, refining, and distribution, as well as through the various transmission lines. They lead to pollution of air, groundwater, soil, and beaches in the Oil Crescent regions and southeast. Pollution has a direct impact on people's lives, especially in Alwahat areas. Therefore, the study recommended the imposition of a detailed environmental impact assessment before starting any oil operations, and the use of GIS technology in the environmental monitoring of oil fields, such as monitoring leaking pipes, and associated with water pools. Finally, the implementation of an urgent program to address the environmental problems of the affected populations.


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How to Cite

Emhanna, S., Elsakran, S., & Attia, A. (2022). Environmental and Health Problems Associated with Oil and Gas Production in the Oil Crescent and Southeastern regions Libya. Journal of Marine Sciences and Environmental Technologies, 8(1), A 17–34. https://doi.org/10.59743/jmset.v8i1.10


