The use of information technology and its relationship to the tasks of a university professor at the Faculty of Education in Zliten


  • Hadeeyah Mohammed Shakeeb Department of Computer, College of Education, Alasmarya Islamic University


information technology, tasks


The purpose of this study is to determine the actual use of information technology in higher education.  and the of the impact of information technology on the professors' tasks. It also aims to identify barriers to information technology use in higher education through a sample taken from the staff members of the faculty of education at Alasmarya Islamic University. The sample was consisted of 70 questionnaires distributed to staff members. The retrieved questionnaires were 50. The descriptive analytical method was used in analyzing the data using the statistical analysis program Excel and the SPSS program.  The results showed that the lecturers use of IT has had a significant positive impact on their tasks. The use of IT helps the lecturer to make the lecture more optimal and contributes significantly to facilitating the communication and simplification of information for the students. Also, the lecturer becomes able to handle and navigate between different computer programs, varies the teaching methods and contributes highly motivation to the teaching process. On the other hand, there are some difficulties that the staff members face to use IT which are the lack of training and their low level of English language.


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How to Cite

Shakeeb, H. M. (2023). The use of information technology and its relationship to the tasks of a university professor at the Faculty of Education in Zliten. Journal of Basic Sciences, 36(2), 99–127. Retrieved from


