The impact of stagflation on economic growth in Libya during the period (1990 – 2019)


  • Hajer Omar Mnider Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Commerce, Alasmarya Islamic University
  • Fatma Mnsour Ehsona Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Commerce, Alasmarya Islamic University


Stagflation, Economic growth, ARDL


This study examined the impact of stagflation on economic growth in Libya during the period 1990-2019 using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model. The study concluded that there is a long-term equilibrium relationship between stagflation and GDP, and the direction of the relationship is inverse, as the more stagflation increases, the lower the GDP growth rate, with a unidirectional causal relationship from stagflation to the  GDP growth rate during the study period .


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How to Cite

Mnider ه. ع. ., & Ehsona ف. م. . (2024). The impact of stagflation on economic growth in Libya during the period (1990 – 2019). Journal of Economic and Political Sciences, 21(2), 493–477. Retrieved from


