The Factors that Influence the Change of External Auditors in the Libyan Environment
A Field Study from the Perspective of External Auditors and Private Companies
Auditor change, audited companies, auditing firms, auditing standards and professional codes of conduct.Abstract
The research focused on identifying the factors that influence the process of changing external auditors from the perspective of private company managers and external auditors in the Libyan environment. For this purpose, twelve factors were selected, which are believed in accounting literature to have a significant impact on the change of auditors. These factors were categorized into three groups: factors related to the audited companies, factors related to auditing firms, and factors related to auditing standards and professional codes of conduct.The research adopted the descriptive analytical approach, and questionnaires were used as the main tool to collect the primary data necessary for conducting the study. The results obtained through data analysis using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) showed that the process of changing external auditors in the Libyan environment is influenced by all the factors studied. Additionally, there were no statistically significant differences regarding the responses of external auditors and private company managers on the impact of the studied factors on the change of external auditors.
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