Factors affecting customer loyalty in Libyan commercial banks from the point of view of bank employees
An Analytical Study of the Jumhoria Bank, in Zliten
customer satisfaction, quality of service, brand trust, customer loyaltyAbstract
The study aimed to study the impact of service quality, customer satisfaction on customer loyalty in the Libyan banking sector. The study population consists of employees of the Jumhouria Bank in the city of Zliten. The questionnaire was used to obtain the data, where a questionnaire consisting of 24 items was designed, and then the data was collected and analyzed statistically using the SPSS statistical program, so that the researchers distributed 65 questionnaires, 49 questionnaires were retrieved. After examining and inspecting a questionnaire, it was found that one of them was invalid, so it was excluded. Thus, we have dealt with 48 questionnaires with a response rate of 74%. The study concluded that the study population is male, and most of them hold university qualifications, and their ages and experience are proportional. The distinction of commercial banks with the quality of service positively affects the loyalty of customers in the Libyan banking sector. Based on the results, the researchers made several recommendations, including that the bank management should pay more attention to the quality of its services and work to develop them continuously because of its great impact on loyalty as the results showed, and providing special services and products to customers may lead to an increase in the tendency of these customers and be more loyal to the bank and to keep The bank's management is in direct contact with the customer and ensures that everything directs it in the right direction towards satisfaction
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