Effect of Sulfur Dioxide Emissions From Mellitah Oil and Gas Complex On Air Quality in Neighboring Cities


  • Aly Y. Okasha Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Marine Resources, Alasmarya Islamic University, Zliten City, Libya.
  • Sulayman Omar Alhuweemdi Department of Earth and Environmental Science, Faculty of Science, Elmrgib University, Khoms City, Libya.




Air pollution, Sulfur dioxide, Mellitah, Sabratha, Zuwarah, Aljmeel, Libya


Mellitah Gas Plant lies about 22 kilometers eastern of Zuwarah city, the plant includes about 355 hectares including steam and gas turbines for energy generation, some of the gas pollutants emitted from industrial operations of Mellitah Plant, affect the goodness of the air in the surrounding area. Sulfur dioxide is one of these pollutants dispersed to the surrounding area.  Dispersion of sulfur dioxide emissions from Mellitah Gas Plant was simulated in this study, using a computer-based program under the dominant climatic circumstances, and estimated concentration gas of sulfur dioxide from the plant arrives at the nearest three cities (Sabratha, Zuwarah, and Aljmeel).

The results showed the emitted sulfur dioxide from the Mellitah plant arrived at the three cities with high concentrations according to the direction of the winds reaching the concentration from 123.9 to 149.3 μg/m3 in the air in the case of the direction of the winds towards the Zuwarah city was. Concentrations were in Aljmeel city from 116.7 to 128.8 μg/m3, and concentrations were 103.6 to 109.2 μg/m3 for Sabratha city if the winds were regarded to accumulate towards the city.


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How to Cite

Okasha , A. Y., & Alhuweemdi, S. O. (2019). Effect of Sulfur Dioxide Emissions From Mellitah Oil and Gas Complex On Air Quality in Neighboring Cities . Journal of Marine Sciences and Environmental Technologies, 5(1), A 44–54. https://doi.org/10.59743/jmset.v5i1.74


