The Role of GIS in Environmental Protection and Pollution Control: Practical Model (Libyan Iron and Steel Company)


  • Abdul-Azim S. Maiteeq Department of Geography& GIS, Faculty of Arts, University of Misurata, Misurata, Libya.
  • Wisam M. Eltarjaman Department of Computer Sciences, Faculty of Information Technology, University of Misurata, Misurata, Libya.
  • Jamal M. Al-Jamal Libyan Iron and Steel Company, Misurata, Libya.



ArcGIS, GIS, LISCO (ISO 14001), Geoportal, Geospatial information management


The Libyan Iron and Steel Company has high importance in the national economy because of its high contribution to the GDP. However, one of the challenges facing the company today necessitates its management to realize that one of the aspects affecting the continuity of the company in carrying out its role is the work to push toward projects for the development of modern information systems of all kinds. Given the role, information plays in this era and its importance in the modern management of large institutions, we are not exaggerating when saying that the success or failure of an institution's decisions today depends primarily on the accuracy and reliability of the information supporting those decisions. Also, due to the nature of the work of the company's factories and its direct impact on the surrounding environment, we have decided to present in this research paper a strategic plan for managing climate and environmental data within the Libyan Iron and Steel Company.

This study contributes academically by giving a general template for the design of geographic information systems. As for the practical aspect, we will present a model for a geospatial application for the benefit of the company's climate data management department. This application develops management framework mechanisms using GIS and remote sensing techniques to build effective systems for monitoring the existing environmental situation, pollution sources, and potential environmental hazards. These monitoring systems make it easier for the management to take appropriate measures to mitigate these emissions and pollutants risks. This research also presents numerous proposals and recommendations to improve the company's administration by establishing a geographical database for all sectors and factories to facilitate access to the required information in the shortest time and to provide the possibility of predicting potential environmental problems and coming up with proactive solutions.


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How to Cite

Maiteeq, A.-A. S., Eltarjaman, W. M., & Al-Jamal, J. M. (2022). The Role of GIS in Environmental Protection and Pollution Control: Practical Model (Libyan Iron and Steel Company). Journal of Marine Sciences and Environmental Technologies, 8(2), A 24–37.


