FEM Simulation as a Tool for Planning and Optimizing the Rubber Pad Forming Process


  • Muamar M. Benisa Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Alasmarya Islamic University, Zliten, Libya
  • Galal H. Senussi Mechanical Engineering Department, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Elabayda, Libya.
  • Abdalla S. Tawengi Faculty of Oil and Gas Engineering, Zawia University, Zawia, Libya.
  • Abdelnasir M. Shtewi Libyan authority for Scientific Research, Tripoli, Libya.




FE simulation, Optimization, Rubber pad forming, Sheet metal forming


Manufacturing press-formed metallic components by conventional methods needs a burdensome trial-and-error process to set up the technology, which success depends, largely, upon the operator’s skill and experience. The finite element (FE) simulations of sheet-metal-forming processes assist the manufacturing engineer to design a forming process by shifting the costly press-shop try-outs to the computer-aided design environment. The purpose of applying numerical simulations of a manufacturing process such as rubber-pad forming is to avoid the trial-and-error procedure and shorten the development phases when tight times-to-market are demanded. The main aim of the investigation presented in this paper was to develop a numerical model that would be able to, successfully, simulate a rubber-pad forming process. The finite-element method was used for blank- and rubber-behavior predictions during the process. The study focused on simulating and investigating significant parameters (such as forming force and stress and strain distribution in a blank) which are associated with the rubber-pad forming process, also the capabilities of this process regarding the manufacturing of aircraft wing ribs and ships. As a result, the stress and strain distribution in a blank as well as the forming force were identified. The experimental analysis of a rib with a lightning hole showed a close correlation between the FE simulations and the experimental results.


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How to Cite

Benisa, M. M., Senussi, G. H., Tawengi, A. S., & Shtewi, A. M. (2022). FEM Simulation as a Tool for Planning and Optimizing the Rubber Pad Forming Process. Journal of Marine Sciences and Environmental Technologies, 8(2), E 57–67. https://doi.org/10.59743/jmset.v8i2.65


