Importance and Role of the Application of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP) in Order to Develop Seaports, Tripoli Sea Port


  • Emhamed Saad Emhamed Masaud Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Alexandria, Egypt
  • Narmin Kalifa Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Alexandria, Egypt
  • Eman Hadad Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Alexandria, Egypt
  • Mohamed Elsaadani Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Alexandria, Egypt



Enterprise resource planning systems (ERP), Descriptive analytical approach, Tripoli sea port


The research aims to clarify the importance and role of the application of enterprise resource planning systems (ERP) in order to develop seaports. Tripoli seaport has been taken as a case study in order to improve its performance and overall efficiency. The poor performance of Libyan seaports and Tripoli seaport in particular, as it suffers from a technological gap in comparison with the developed seaport in the world. The researcher used a descriptive analysis method and questionnaire, while the study sample contains (150) questionnaires that were distributed at LPC headquarters in Tripoli. Moreover, the number of tests, hypotheses, and multiple linear regression were analyzed in this research (106). Among the number of study outcomes, there is a strong correlation between the application of ERP and port operations. The research recommended that to succeed in the application of ERP, the available and qualified material and human resources should be adopted.


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ثانياً: المراجع باللغة الإنجليزية

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How to Cite

Masaud, E. S. E., Kalifa, N., Hadad, E., & Elsaadani, M. (2021). Importance and Role of the Application of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP) in Order to Develop Seaports, Tripoli Sea Port. Journal of Marine Sciences and Environmental Technologies, 7(2), A 38–46.


