Impacts of Plastic Wastes on Environmental and Human and Modern Ways to Take Advantage and Disposal


  • M.R. Elaoud Atomic Authority, Tripoli, Libya
  • S.M. Gashout Atomic Authority, Tripoli, Libya
  • A.M. Salama Higher Institute of Comprehensive Professions, Gharahbouli, Libya.
  • F.A. Masaud Atomic Authority, Tripoli, Libya



Plastic, Waste, Recycling, Polymer


Plastic has an important and vital role in our contemporary life, and you will rarely find an industrial product that is devoid of one of the types of plastic. However, the increasing and accumulated volume of plastic waste and the harm it causes to humans and the environment has led to an increasing interest in many countries of the world to study the problem. The damage resulting from plastic waste is attributed to the fact that it contains polymeric materials that do not degrade due to natural factors, whether biological or environmental, as well as the containment of chemicals added for the purpose of improving its properties and reducing its cost. The production of various types of plastic in the world has been increasing steadily for decades, accompanied by continuous development. A large part of it is used to produce consumer goods from packaging and other short-lived products, and nearly half of plastic products find their way as waste. A number of polymers are produced in Libya, such as polyvinyl chloride and polyethylene, which are used in many plastic industries, in addition to a number of polymers and plastic products imported from abroad. The traditional methods of disposing of plastic waste represented in burning, landfilling and dumping it in the seas and oceans cause severe damage to living organisms and the environment. Several modern methods of disposal and utilization have emerged, which include recycling, energy production and the development of an alternative to some plastic products such as bioplastics. Successful experiences in a number of countries around the world have shown the importance of adopting legislation and laws for dealing with plastic waste, encouraging investors in the field of recycling and producing energy from it, and raising awareness and the important role that citizens play in contributing to reducing its risks. This study aims to analyze the most important aspects related to plastic waste and its effects on the environment and human beings and modern ways to benefit from it and get rid of it or reduce and limit it. A questionnaire was also conducted on plastics, in which different groups of society participated, and it was found that there is a good indicator about citizen awareness of the concept of plastics, its importance, and the harmful effects of its waste on the environment and people.


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SPI Resin Identification Code. [Available on:].



How to Cite

Elaoud, M., Gashout, S., Salama, A., & Masaud, F. (2015). Impacts of Plastic Wastes on Environmental and Human and Modern Ways to Take Advantage and Disposal. Journal of Marine Sciences and Environmental Technologies, 1(2), A 45–57.


