An Engineering Overview on The Current Status of the Negative Effects Resulting from The Transportation Facilities Used Within the University of Tripoli, Libya
Pollution, Transportation Facilities, Survey, University of Tripoli, LibyaAbstract
This paper investigates the negative issues that come out from different types of transportation facilities being used by the students within the University of Tripoli in the Libyan capital. This situation can be clearly highlighted in the result of the huge amount of wasted time during the students’ life within the university campus. The paper also investigates the large number of pollutants in the form of toxic and harmful gases to human beings and to the environment where this topic can be considered as a continuation of previous research published during the second environmental conference that took place last December.
This study is mainly based on surveying a random sample of university students, using a questionnaire specifically designed for this purpose, taking into consideration determining the quality and the type of transportation facilities being used by the university students along with their model and age. That help in knowing and determining the number of emissions in the form of exhaust and toxic gases released from these transportation facilities.
The analysis of the gathered data pointed out indicators that can be considered as a significant degree of importance, clearly pointed out to a very serious matter, including the number of pollutants that result from the exhaust of the transportation facilities used by the students of the University of Tripoli, and it can be considered as a significant level of pollutants issued by the Libyan land.
Depending on the results obtained by this research, other alternatives can be suggested including some other transportation facilities which are not being used in the Libyan capital. These suggested transportation facilities could be provided and used to contribute significantly to finding effective solutions to the problem of air pollution in the Libyan State, working to reduce the levels of emission of toxic gases. These suggested alternatives could be considered to a certain extent as crucial and to be taken very seriously.
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