Fountain of PV System by Using Solar Cells
Fountain system, Solar radiation, Maple, NozzleAbstract
The design of the water fountain system which is working as a direct photovoltaic transfer for the solar radiation energy according to the requirements of the studied area in terms of the values of the solar radiation energy rate. It has been calculated the number of equipped power units (photovoltaic boards) from knowing the total capacity of the solar system and the ability of the photovoltaic board that has been used. We have used the Maple program (Ver. 12) and the application of the special relationship to know how many photovoltaic boards of power when we use any power type units corresponding to the size of the requested power system. It has been found the overall power of the system is proportional to the number of used boards at every type of used photovoltaic boards. The graph also shows the flow of the fountain pump and the values of the maximum height of the water. We have found an inversely proportional between the flow values and height, mentioned as follows; height minimum is corresponding to the flow as (28.2 m3\hr) and the calculated maximum height of the pump (9 m) is corresponding to the flow as (6 m3\hr).
We could take advantage of the optimum choice between minimum height and maximum height with the greatest amount of flow by changing the shape of the carrier tube and making nozzles more narrow which connected to the holes of the tube end for the nozzles group. Therefore, the speed of water flow is inversely proportional to the hole diameter
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