Evaluation of Groundwater in Terms of Corrosion and Sedimentation in The City of Tragan, Southern Libya


  • Khadija A. Hamed Faculty of Medical Technology, Sebha University, Murzuk, Libya
  • Nawasa A. Al-Salh Faculty of Medical Technology, Sebha University, Murzuk, Libya
  • Alaarif M. Arabi Faculty of Medical Technology, Sebha University, Murzuk, Libya




Water, Corrosion, Sedimentation, Aggression, Ground


The interest in groundwater is increasing, and this interest is reflected in many studies and research that focus on the problems of corrosion and sedimentation in the pipes and water transfer equipment, because of their economic and technical importance. In this study, some physical and chemical analysis was conducted on the water samples in the study area, which included pH, ​​total soluble salts, sulphate, chloride, calcium, and magnesium. The results obtained were used in the application of some factors that reflect the effect of the results values on corrosion and sedimentation study showed that the coefficient of aggression ranged from 9.7 to 12.6. This indicates that the water in this area is highly corrosive water. to non-corrosive (precipitated), and the Larson coefficient ranges between (2.6 -0.5) and shows the corrosive water condition.


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How to Cite

Hamed, K. A., Al-Salh, N. A., & Arabi, A. M. (2016). Evaluation of Groundwater in Terms of Corrosion and Sedimentation in The City of Tragan, Southern Libya. Journal of Marine Sciences and Environmental Technologies, 2(2), A 80–89. https://doi.org/10.59743/jmset.v2i2.108


