Effect of Drainage Water Quality of Brack-Ashkeda Project on The Some Physiological Parameters of Some Crop Plants


  • F.A. Abdurrhman Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, University of Sebha, Sebha, Libya
  • T. R. Al-Hadithi Department of Biology, Faculty of Ibn-Alhaitham, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq
  • A. M. Almathnani Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Sebha, Sebha, Libya




Libya, Ashkeda, Agricultural irrigation water, Ionic contents


The present study aimed to clarify the possibility of reusing the agricultural irrigation water of Brack-Ashkeda project for crop production. Physiological parameters, such as relative water content (RWC), chlorophyll a,b, total chlorophyll, chlorophyll a/b, ionic contents of Ca, K, Mg, P, B, Cl and Na, total soluble carbohydrate and protein contents were measured. Results were analyzed statistically using an ANOVA test. LSD was calculated under 0.05 and 0.01 probability.


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How to Cite

Abdurrhman , F., Al-Hadithi , T. R., & Almathnani , A. M. (2016). Effect of Drainage Water Quality of Brack-Ashkeda Project on The Some Physiological Parameters of Some Crop Plants. Journal of Marine Sciences and Environmental Technologies, 2(2), A 34–44. https://doi.org/10.59743/jmset.v2i2.105


