Study to Assess the Quality of Water Wells for The Second Stage of The Manmade River


  • Yusef AlHaddad Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Engineering and Technical Sciences, Sebha University, Brack, Libya.
  • Abdullah Muhammad Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Engineering and Technical Sciences, Sebha University, Brack, Libya.
  • Ihmudah Aweidat Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Engineering and Technical Sciences, Sebha University, Brack, Libya.
  • Salah Mesbah Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Engineering and Technical Sciences, Sebha University, Brack, Libya.
  • Mohammad Alsiteel Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Engineering and Technical Sciences, Sebha University, Brack, Libya.



Southern fields-Northern fields, Second Stage, Water quality


As a result of the lack of periodic monitoring of the water quality of the second stage of the Manmade River to determine its quality characteristics in the period (2011-2016), this study was conducted, which concluded that the rates and concentrations of temperature, pH, total alkalinity and total hardness and elements of sodium and potassium did not It exceeds the permissible limits in all samples of the northern and southern fields and the transmission pipelines, and it was found through this study that the rates of oxidation and reduction effort did not exceed the permissible limits, as an upper limit in most of the samples of southern fields (SEJH), while we find in the northern fields (NEGH) has exceeded them Where well No. (019) recorded a reading of 213 mV, and the bicarbonate concentration rates did not exceed the permissible limits in most fields and collection points except in the wells (052-019) and the collection point (630) where it was (200.08, 202.52, 222.04) mg/L respectively. The study also found that the rates of sulfate concentrations did not exceed the permissible limits in most samples representing wells, collection points, and the mainline, but exceeded in two wells (368 and 424). The chloride concentrations ranged between (213.7-497) mg/liter in the wells (480 and 368) respectively, and it exceeded the permissible limit in most of the samples representing the fields and the mainline. The results of the bacteriological probability test showed that all samples were free from the fecal coliform bacteria and that there was no bacteriological contamination of these samples. This variation in the concentrations and rates of some elements may be attributed to the topography of the area and the nature of the rock formation as a result of the continuous depleting pumping of groundwater.


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How to Cite

AlHaddad, Y., Muhammad, A., Aweidat, I., Mesbah, S., & Alsiteel, M. (2021). Study to Assess the Quality of Water Wells for The Second Stage of The Manmade River. Journal of Marine Sciences and Environmental Technologies, 7(1), A 28–41.


