The acute toxicity of diazinonto the freshwater shrimp Gammaruspulex
The wide use of the organothiophosphate insecticide, diazinon, to control insects has led to increased levels of this pesticide in aquatic environments. However, data regarding acute toxicity of diazinon on aquatic biota are limited. The current study aimed to investigate the mortality response of the freshwater amphipod Gammaruspulex to diazinon, its metabolite diazinonoxonanda commercial diazinon in formulation using the LC50 test. Exposure for 24 h to all tested concentrations of the different tested forms of diazinon did not caused significant mortality of G. pulex. The 48 h LC50 were values 923.1 and 87.5 nM for diazinon and diazinonoxon, respectively. The 48 h LC50 value of the commercial formulation of diazinon could not be calculated because mortality did not exceed 50 %. At longer period of exposure, the toxicity of three tested diazinon forms was in the following order: the commercial formulation >diazinonoxon>diazinon. After 72 h of exposure, LC50 values not clear of the tested diazinon forms were 222, 65.3 and 16.1 nM for diazinon, diazinonoxon and the commercial formulation of diazinon, respectively. The toxicity of the tested pesticide increased with increasing exposure time. At the end of the LC50 test (96 h), the LC50 concentrations of diazinon, diazinonoxon and the commercial formulation of diazinon were 140.1, 45.7 and 10.4 nM, respectively. In conclusion, the current study provides data that can be used to examine the sublethal responses of G. pulex to diazinon.
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