Quantitative measurement of the impact of imports on economic growth in Libya

دراسة قياسية خلال الفترة 1980-2012


  • Majdi Ajdeed Ramadhan Masoud Economic Department School of Economic Sciences Algarabulli, Elmergib University, Libya


total imports, gross domestic product, completely generalized small squares, causal Toda and YamaMoto


     This study aimed to examine the relationship between total imports and economic growth in Libya throughout the period from 1980 to 2012, by employing the growth equation for a cobb -Douglas, depending on the standard methods used in still tests, the methodology of joint integration, and the causal test.

       Among the most important applied results reached by the study is that all the time chains of the study variables are still in the first difference, and there is an integrative relationship in the long term between them according to the Johansson style, in addition to the lack of a causal relationship in both directions in the long -term between total imports and gross domestic product at current prices during The period is under study, as the results of the estimated equation were also demonstrated by the regular small squares method, which is fully corrected. This confirms that imports are one of the most important determinants of economic growth in Libya.


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How to Cite

Masoud م. إ. . (2022). Quantitative measurement of the impact of imports on economic growth in Libya: دراسة قياسية خلال الفترة 1980-2012. Journal of Economic and Political Sciences, 19(2), 93–72. Retrieved from https://journals.asmarya.edu.ly/econ/index.php/epj/article/view/37


