Difficulties Facing The Operation Of The Smart Card “Efaa” FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF THE BENEFICIARIES IN THE CITY OF DERNA


  • Ahmad Mohamed Ben Fayed Department of Banking and Finance, Faculty of Economics, Derna University, Libya
  • Mohamed Omar Alshwerf Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Elmergib University, Libya


Smart cards, Efaa card, Derna city


The research aims to study the difficulties facing the operation of the “Efaa” smart card as an electronic payment method for paying the value of various purchases, from the point of view of its beneficiaries in the city of Derna. In order to reach results that achieve this goal, the writing was based on the analytical approach, where a questionnaire was designed and then analyzed using the SPSS program. The research reached a set of results, the most important of which are: the existence of difficulties facing the operation of the smart card “Efaa” in terms of (use - interest - trust - efficiency), as well as the lack of cash availability at the level of automatic dispensers at any time of the day, in addition to setting restrictions related to determining the cash value. For withdrawal if liquidity is available at the ATM and the areas in which the card is used are limited.


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How to Cite

Ben Fayed أ. م. ., & Alshwerf م. ع. . (2024). Difficulties Facing The Operation Of The Smart Card “Efaa” FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF THE BENEFICIARIES IN THE CITY OF DERNA. Journal of Economic and Political Sciences, 21(1), 190–170. Retrieved from https://journals.asmarya.edu.ly/econ/index.php/epj/article/view/302



التمويل والمصارف